Solid Waste Treatment Plant in Serres

EPTA provided technical assistance to the Regional Association of the Solid Waste Management in Central Macedonia for the implementation of the PPP Project Solid Waste treatment Plant in Serres.

The project concerns the construction of the Mechanical and biological treatment plant for Solid Waste of Serres under PPP (Public Private Partnership). The project and the Consultant’s were funded by NSRF 2014-2020 (National Strategic Reference Framework) co-funded by the Cohesion Fund. The plant was designed with a treatment capacity of 63.000 tn/year.

The services provided by EPTA included:

  • Drafting of the PPP proposal and support for its approval by the inter-ministerial Committee
  • Review the potential for Private sector partnership (PSP) in the project
  • Carry out the economics of the project and the financial analysis
  • Draft the tender dossier for the implementation of the waste management treatment plant under PPP method
  • Carry out a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and a funding application
  • Evaluation of submitted proposals – Assistance to the procurement/awarding procedures
  • Assistance to the contracting procedures – Draft the PPP Contact Agreement
  • Review of the Final design study for the construction of the waste treatment plant
  • Construction Supervision of the works
  • Supervision of trial operation
  • Project Management (under the procedures of EU Cohesion Fund)

